New Toy
I got myself a new toy on Sunday at Digital Mall's PC Fair...

A Canon Pixma MP160, one of the coolest scanners I've used so, not that I've been using many...Well, I paid about erm, RM280? RM290? for it. Oh, it also functions as a printer and copier. At least I don't have to rush to the stationery shop to do last minute photostating. It's easy to use too.
So, here's the first item I scanned with it:-

A sketch of Steffi the Numbnut! I attempted drawing my own manga years ago but gave up because it took me ONE hour just to draw one tiny frame. Er, I don't think I have improved so far. But anyway...Hopefully I'll be able to scan better sketches than this in the future!
Labels: Misc
The Flu Bug
The flu bug is around. I know this because I was COMPLETELY defeated by the bug. I was down and out for a few days...after stubbornly going to Bukit Tinggi even though I wasn't feeling well. This resulted in me taking MC for a day. I also sound funny now, even my client was laughing at the way I sound when I speak. Croaking like a toad, says mom. This led to a rather hilarious situation at work:-
I had to go downstairs to pass some documents to our company's client waiting in her car. When I got back to the office, I was rummaging my handbag for the office keys when my colleague opened the door for me.
Steffi: Eh? How did you know I was back? Wah...all prepared to open the door for me some more...
Colleague: Eh? You called to tell me that you were coming mah...
Steffi: *confused* No...I didn't call...I didn't bring my handphone today, remember?
Colleague: *face turning pale* BUT! BUT...someone called just now and said *in a low drawl* "I'm coming now..." WHO WAS THAT?!
Steffi: *thinks for a while*
Steffi: I think it's my mother...
Steffi calls mom.
Steffi: Hello?
Mom: Hello?
Steffi: Did you call just now?
Mom: Yes, I spoke to you just now wat...
Steffi: No you didn't.
Mom: I did! I told you that I'm coming now and you replied "Ok!"
Steffi: What lar you...Your own daugther's voice also you cannot recognize...that was my colleague!
Mom: Ha?! Really ah?!
See? This is what happens when you assume. What amazes me is they can both SPEAK to each other thinking that each other was ME. Oh, and as I said, the flu bug is around, so even my colleague is having flu...Maybe she DID sound like a toad croaking on the phone too.
*Sigh* I ran out of medicine and I'm still blowing my nose...
Labels: Moi, Numbnut Smacks Head
I am back...
from Langkawi.
I flew as high as the eagles,
Swam as deep as the groupers,
I climbed together with the monkeys,
And now I'm as dead as the corals in the sea.
I'm actually feeling SEASICK at work...I think I need a holiday from my holiday.
Labels: Numbnut Explores Malaysia
China Part 9: Shopping at Hangzhou City
Eastern Chinese shop here:

Malaysians shop here:

Eastern Chinese, especially Shanghainese, love branded items. And I mean REALLY branded items. They probably wouldn't mind starving as long as they can get their hands on a Gucci Handbag or Chanel shoes (Chanel sell shoes ah? :P I'm sorry for being so...ignorant) or uh...*peers at picture* Louis Vuitton watch. There's an entire block full of shops selling all these top market branded goods. Apparently, the price of these goods are three times of Malaysian's price. No point buying branded goods in China. Cheaper to buy here in Malaysia.

Most of the above mentioned shops were located at Hangzhou Tower. I went in there and almost suffocated. It's so stuffy!
So what did mom and I do? We people watched. Uh, city watched. Well, we just walked around outside and enjoyed the cool air. Took pictures from an overhead bridge while mom bargained with the tangerine seller. Ate tangerines. Watched a small girl kite-flying with her grandpa. Took pictures of all the beautiful flowers. Sat down at the bus stop, watched motor vehicles passing by. Not to forget, saw a
lady carrying an armchair walking by. I wonder if that is how they normally transport their furnitures around.

Hangzhou city. These pictures were taken during non-peak hours. Come rush hour, we had problem
crossing the motored bicycle lane. I was clutching my mom's arm tightly, waiting for a chance to dash across the lane.
Mom: Ok, once there's a slight pause in the heavy traffic, we must run across.
Steffi: Ok.
Steffi: ...
Steffi: (after five minutes)...
Steffi: You know...we could stand here all day...
Mom: Ah, good, good! The locals are crossing! We follow them!
Steffi: Alright!
And so, Steffi and her mommy crossed the road using the locals as protection.
Mom: Aiyeeee!!
*reaches the other side*
Steffi & Mom: Phew!
It was JUST A MOTORED BICYCLE LANE! Good lord, that was stressful...

Hangzhou flowers. These were the more cheerful looking ones. I'm afraid China's still lacking behind in landscaping their cities, but I saw them making more effort in beautifying their country (at least the places I went to), which is good. It's a pity that with the Malaysian weather, we get more greens than colours.
We didn't buy anything. Well, except for the tangerines. The street peddlers there were fierce. They slap each other around for business. Don't know why some of my tour group members actually bought from them. We were already warned not to buy from them because:
1) The change you get might be fake money
2) They might run off with your change should the police suddenly appeared
3) Their products are of low quality anyway...
True enough, one of our tour group members had fake money with him/her after that. How do you identify fake money in China? Put it close to your ear and uh...flap it about. If it makes a "knocking" sound, that means it's not fake. If it doesn't make any sound...Congratulations. You've hit the jackpot.
Labels: Numbnut Explores the World
Steffi the Numbnut #003: Exam Battle

Labels: Comics
China Part 8: The Butterfly Lovers
If you want to be famous, along with your darling/boy-boy/bloke/man/what-not, it's very easy. Just take a look at Romeo & Juliet and Titanic and apply it to yourselves. Practice the "you jump I jump" or "you die I also die" concept lor. Eh? You don't like to copy the Westerners? No problem...then use Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai as an example lah. Easy...(eh, joking only ah...please don't say "Steffi said so").
"The tragic lovers, Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai can also be thought of as Romeo and Juliet of the East," said the tour guide. Hmmm...yeah, that's true. Both men were from poor family background and the girls, from rich families. Both couples' romances weren't approved by the girls' families. The difference is that Romeo and Juliet's death was more complicated and it was a plot gone all wrong. Aiyoh, the names are so long. Liang Shan Bo shall be known as "LSB" and Zhu Ying Tai as "ZYT" from hereon.
Based on the movie of "The Lovers" starring Nicky Wu (LSB) and Charlie Yeung (ZYT), in LSB and ZYT's case, the guy died because he fell sick and was heartbroken, since ZYT was going to marry another rich bloke. Oh, and according to
Wikipedia, LSB died a county magistrate, so at he had a title to his name, compared to Romeo
Kesian(pity) his mother. After he died, Zhu Ying Tai's marriage procession was going to pass by his grave. Suddenly, things got more dramatic and surreal here. No matter how they tried to continue their journey after that, Mother Nature won't allow. The whirlwind just wouldn't let them move forward. So what happened next? Mother Nature then send her lightning to hit LSB's grave and it cracked opened like how Ali Baba's cave did when he shouted,"OPEN SESAME!".
Since ZYT's boy-boy was inviting her in to sleep with him eternally, how could she resist? She jumped in also lah. Then the the grave closed and two butterflies flew out...Uh, of course, we assume the butterflies to be them. Bad choice actually. Butterflies have very short life-span. Should have chosen to be turtles instead. :D
How did they meet each other? By going to the same school. Actually, in my opinion, this story/legend is like the Taiwanese hit drama, a manga-adaptation,
Hana Kimi ancient China style. Fortunately, Hana Kimi(manga storyline) has a happy ending. In the olden days, girls were not allowed to go to school, so if they want to go to school, they have to disguise themselves as boys. That was what ZYT did. Heck, just like the main couple in Hana Kimi, they, LSB and ZYT even slept together (SLEPT ONLY) at school (remember that I'm referring to the Hong Kong movie). But unlike Hana Kimi, LSB is one big blur-case. He never found out that she was a girl until after graduation.
OK! For more info, refer to
here and
Oooh, so everyone is playing tug-of-war over the origin of legend, eh? Well, I went to the school where they supposedly studied at *puts on smug expression*. It's called
WanSong Academy Park and it's located at Hangzhou. Even Emperor Qian Long visited this academy! Pity I didn't take picture of horizontal inscription board written by Emperor Qian Long for the academy.

The arch, again, I can't read, but I'm assuming that whatever that is written there is the academy's name.
This was where I met my first bunch of Chinese soldiers. There were truckloads full of them (no kidding!) taking pictures there!

One gang of them...Don't know where are the rest.
So of course, Steffi JUST couldn't resist...asking them (with her mom's help of course) to take picture with her because she's a sucker for military/police HK dramas, especially those featuring the formidable China soldiers/police.

The first one we asked was rather reluctant. In fact I wondered whether we made a mistake asking them. Then, the second one was quite enthusiastic and I believe, was the poser of the group. He was quite happy to fulfill my request and urge his other friends to take too. Many thanks to him & his friends!

Matrix mom with "LSB" and "ZYT".

I started going cam-crazy with flowers here...

The academy grounds.

I love this spot. Want to know why? Not only is it picturesque, this is also where
another female tourist from another tour group fell into the pond.>:D Poor lady...and it was a cold, cold day too.
China tour guide (CTG) to mom...
CTG: *while giggling* Did you know, just now, another tourist from another group fell into the pond while taking picture!
Mom: *shocked* HA?! Really ah? Aiyoh, it's so cold!
CTG: I know I shouldn't be laughing, it's not good to laugh.
Mom: Haha, yeah...
CTG: ...
Mom: -_-|||
Don't you just love her? >:D

I find this flower very unique. The flowers were growing out from the main stem!

Mom with the young crown prince being taught how to write by the teacher. I hope that's not the stick he uses to punish the young prince...
Then, on the way back, I spotted a sign - "somebody-famous-but-I-don't-know-who tomb". We shall call him Scholar X. So, I told my mom,"Let's go there." When she saw the looooooooong stairway leading to Scholar X's tomb which we couldn't see from where we stood, she, of course said no. She pointed to this little stone garden ornament on the ground a few steps away and said,"I think it's that one lah..." I told her,"I don't think so, he's supposed to be this great person, don't tell me his tomb is, uh...that small?" Remember the legend of the Condor Heroes, the BIG tomb in the story? I think it should be something like that, right?"
So I went up the stairs. Up and up and up until I reached this landing. Looked to the left...hmmm, nothing. Look to the right...and Steffi froze. IT WAS HUGE! Like the one in the Condor Heroes! And, and, there were many flower wreaths and hell money around! Steffi...HAULED BUTT. Couldn't have run down faster than that time. She related her experience to her mom and the M'sian tour guide (MTG).
MTG: Oh, because it was Cheng Beng* festival a few days those things are still there...
"For those of you who don't know, Cheng Beng festival is:
One major event in the Chinese calendar, observed by Chinese communities all over the world is All Souls Day, also known as Cheng Beng or Qing Ming, which falls on April 5 every year except on leap years when it falls on April 4.
During this period, the Chinese community will visit graves of deceased family members and ancestors to pay their respects. It can be done 10 days before and after the actual date of Cheng Beng. Graves are weeded and cleaned, joss-paper is burnt, and offerings are made." Ref:'s always good to listen to momma...
TOILET BREAK! Alright, so how's the condition of the loo there? I simply have no idea how it looks like. That was because I could smell it before even seeing the entrance and being young (and foolish) I decided not to go. I can hold my bladder, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight...I dashed to the toilet at the next stop the moment the bus halted.
Labels: Numbnut Explores the World, The Loo
Study Break: Steffi the Numbnut #002: Exam Preparation

Labels: Comics
Study Break: Steffi the Numbnut #001
It's ironic that my exam paper on Thursday is the reason I started doing this...

Not professional at all, but I'm not one so that's excusable.
Labels: Comics, Moi
Fat Issue...
I like to eat.
I don't like to be fat.
I like to eat but I don't like to be fat.
I love eating.
I love looking good.
I love eating but I love looking good too.
If I have to choose between food and looks, which one would I pick? In order to look good, it means that I have to watch what I eat and exercise regularly, which means a healthy lifestyle.
Being healthy = good
working hard to look good = maintaining healthy lifestyle = first priority
NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Who am I kidding? >=D
My first priority should be...

Because with money, I can travel. And when I can travel, I can see many great places. I can also try out different various food.
Which brings us back to point one.
I like to eat.
I don't like to be fat.
I like to eat but I don't like to be fat.
I love eating.
I love looking good.
I love eating but I love looking good too...
OK! I'm disappearing for good now, because
Passing exams = higher qualification = job advancement
Job advancement = more money = first priority
Passing exams = first priority
and in order to pass exams - studying is required
In conclusion:
Highest priority = Studying.
Labels: Misc, Moi