Numbnuts on New Year's Eve
Alright. So I didn't damage anything else before Year 2006 end. Except, of course, myself. I have to say that the last new year's eve was probably the most exciting one that I've ever had. Oh yeah, I musn't forget painful as well. I thought that I'll be spending my New Year's Eve on the couch watching tv (no, I'm not an old lady) but I didn't, thanks to Micchy.Firstly, due to some strange nightmare that my mom had, my parents ended up as our (the Numbnuts = Steffi + Darke)chauffeur. Our destination - The Curve. We decided to have our dinner there in order to avoid the jam later on. Darke decided to give me a few surprises when I reached his house in the form of a bouquet of flowers and a bunch of bananas. YES. A BUNCH OF PISANG EMAS. No. Don't laugh. Because that ain't the funniest part. That title went to the flowers.
My first reaction was "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" (and my mom's reaction to mine was "Oh my god, no wonder she can't get a boyfriend!") Poor Darke, who didn't have a clue about this particular Chinese superstition (is it even superstition?) had to pick, of all the flowers, this type:

Daisies. Flowers associated with the OTHER world (at least, for the Chinese). But it's ok, Darke, my mom doesn't mind, she likes the flowers. ^-^ Thanks a lot. For the flowers AND the bananas which would have ended up somewhere else, if my parents weren't there. *Cracks knuckles* Superstition aside, the flowers AND the bananas were sweet. *Cracks knuckles* Somehow, I think this can only happen to numbnuts like us.
Anyway, after taking about half an hour (or was it more than that?) to decide what to have for dinner, we had Kenny Roger's. I was just telling Micchy how everytime I'm with her, something is sure to happen, and hopefully, nothing strange or odd will happen on that day. Fat hope. My lipstick fell onto my dinner plate (previously, it was my handbag which fell into the ice cream tub at Shogun Buffet).
We spent a good one and a half hours (according to Dark's biological clock) at Borders, browsing the mangas there and I finally got my first copy of Yaoi manga. YAY! I was RM40 poorer though. Boo... And then...due to certain circumstances, we had to change our venue. So much for watching Jaclyn Victor performing. Ah well, as long as I have my manga with me, I'm happy.
HOWEVER, when I stepped outside the Curve, I HAD to look up to see if Jaclyn Victor was on the stage and then WHAM! I went straight down on my knees. There was a slight step there and I didn't notice it because it looked like level ground to me. To those people who weren't busy staring at the stage, they must have thought that I was worshipping Ikano, kneeling down in front of it like that (I stepped out of The Curve, so I was facing Ikano). So, in a few seconds, I've managed to twist both my ankles, and bruise both my knees.
Finally, in Micchy's car, we proceeded to leave Ikano's carpark. Only to find the oncoming traffic coming directly at us. WHAT THE HELL?! THAT WAS ONE WAY STREET WASN"T IT?! I screamed for three people. Micchy, Darke, you are welcome. XP And at Micchy's friend's house, she managed to reverse into another friend's car. Again, I think I screamed for three people. See? I helped you guys save your breaths. How nice of me.
So we went to this place called The Attic at Damansara Heights, which was actually a rather posh place. I took some nice pictures from there, but blogger photo tool (or is it my computer, or my line?) went cranky after uploading the picture of the daisies. Anyway, I shall post them up later.
Then, Darke and I ditched Micchy and Kurarensu, because we both suck at drinking. We decided to gate-crash SUGI"S PARTY! Hoo yeah! We took a taxi back, ALL the way from Damansara Heights, and the taxi driver only charged us RM11. He must be quite happy with the way Darke was livening up his lonely New Year's Eve.
At Sugi's house, lots of weird things happened. Firstly, there was this male dog outside her house, knowing that he won't need to celebrate New Year's all alone if ONLY that darling female-dog-with-nasty-teeth's owner let him into the house to meet her... What the silly male dog doesn't know is that he'll end up at the bottom in position since Sugi's dog is twice his size.
Thing started to get REALLY hot after Annette's arrival. Somehow, she attracted Sugi's little nephew (2-4 years old?) and he actually
Then it's time for FIREWORKS! I didn't think that we'll be seeing any that night, at least not from Sugi's house, but I actually saw fireworks in two directions. Somehow, no matter how old I am, I will always enjoy watching fireworks.
The next morning, though 2006 has left us, my clumsiness hasn't. I slipped three times and almost fall on my butt once at Carrefour. -_- I HOPE that would be the last of it. BEGONE, YOU DEVIL FROM YEAR 2006!!! Anyway, Happy New Year, folks. All the best in year 2007. ^-^v
Labels: Numbnutting...
with darke around it wouldnt have been a boring new year eh? hehe
You mean Micchy. She's my bane afterall. *grins* With her around, something will surely happen. =D
Heeey I resent that!!
:P It's just my qi and yours don't go that well together! But if you ever need excitement and things happening (to you), you can ALWAYS call me up!
man steff, although i heard the whole story personally from you, its so fun to read the article all over again..
i just cud not read with a straight head.. hahaha
u took some oath to keep falling eh? did u pray too hard so that you'll fall in love last year? maybe the angels and the fairy only heard the first word... oppsssssss ahahah ok ok i wont be so mean..
yeah i forgot how my nephews were entertaining you guys. and how shaun wanted to dance to tamil song. damn that would have been a scene..
but still, im sort of glad things went "wonderful" for u coz u ended up spending the new years with me...
must say the fireworks were nice.. although i showed the motorola bridge at the wrong direction. ah wellll...
its all guud....
I must agree with Sugi about the praying part... Steph, you'll must now pray twice as hard to stop the falling..
And Michelle, perhaps you can list down the top 10 incidents that has happened when you're with Steph...
or maybe create a poll for us to vote... hahaha XP
I could have totally taken on that 6-year old Bollywood punk. Unless he teamed up with his little brother.
Michelle: Gimme a break. My poor body and mind need a rest.
Sugi: Ahahaha! It was hilarious how you pointed to the opposite direction of Sunway Pyramid...Sachpal's expression was farnee too... Speaking about falling in love, WHY WEREN"T THERE ANY PRINCE CHARMING TO CATCH ME WHEN I FALL?!
Eng: NO. No poll. That would be inviting more problems.
Darke: Yah right. Him teaming up with his little brother would be the ultimate nightmare, right, Sugi?
Why no prince tried to catch your fall? Maybe because no prince expected you to to fall at those tiny steps, hahahaha!
Well, sorry that I didn't catch you in time; my reflexes were slow. On the other hand, that may be a good thing - being the numbnut that I am, if I had caught you, I would've accidentally grabbed your boobs instead, and then I'D be the one injured.
Also, apologies once again for the flowers! >__< Next time, I'll get you roses.
and when you do that, be sure there's someone taking photo of her accepting it... I'd love to see her face accepting the flowers...
Lol... I'm so hurt. You don't want to see me anymore... Not that I can really blame you :P But still!!! How bout next month then, since I reckon you've had enough excitement for January?
Heee, Eng, you really want to know everything that happened when Steph was with me in 2006?
Darke: It's ok, I'd rather you gimme mangas instead of flowers :D Luckily you didn't catch me then. You won't be injured. You'll just end up in a different world.
Eng: No do. I'm not made for romantic fairytales.
Micchy: Sounds good...AFTER Chinese New Year ok? I wanna go back hometown in one piece...
hey Michelle, I won't mind reading about it... with stories like that, it can be best seller
remember to give me one if it's published...
Steffi: Awww... does that mean you don't want to see me for V-day? :'( LOL
Eng: Lesseee... what shall I talk about? The let's drive around KL thing during my birthday? The ice-creamy good time at Shogun?... :P
yaye...!!! with those stories to read, and the talks to listen to, my life won't be so bored anymore...
Micchy: I'm sure you'll be too busy for me during Valentine's day...bute i definitely won't mind the risk of meeting up with you on that day for anything delicious. THAT IS EDIBLE. No dirty thoughts here ok?
Eng: You've already known what had happened on Micchy's b-day. And regarding Shogun, nothing much happened. Right? *frowns* As far as I can remember, besides the handbag incident of course.
Er.... Steffi... I would strongly encourage you to rethink the phrasing of your sentence just now...
Really really strongly encourage...
I just don't get it... Why is it you always manage to phrase your words that can bring so many meanings, when that's what you're trying to avoid??
wow..i missed quite alot here.
looks like steff really had an exciting new year..
but how come u can fall so many times steff?
wrong shoes?u not looking properly when u walk?
wats causing it actually?
hey i didnt know abt those flowers and the pantang...
i always tot Daisies are very beautiful flowers..BTW thanks for the info..heh
Made an error Ash, those are species of chrysanthemum which looked a lot like daisies. Anyway, just don't buy flowers like this one for your chinese gfs or friends...
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