Singapore - Firefly Trip - Desaru Fruit Farm
Aiyah...took a long break again. Ah well, during the second day, there were many places that we visited in Johor. Woke up early in the morning, probably around 6.00a.m. to take the bus back to Johor (immigration fellas must have been curious when they saw the date when we entered Singapore) using the second link. Our destination? Gelang Patah. The tour guide DID explain why the place has such a name, but I seriously can't remember. I just knew that something had happened, and the gelang (bangle) broke (patah) and so that's how it got its name. -_-|||Erm, let's talk about food first. We had breakfast at one of the coffee shop (nothing special, just your usual dishes). I actually overheard an aunty scolding another aunty, saying, "Prawn mee is not spicy! Where got spicy prawn mee wan!" I was rolling my eyes hearing that. -_- Sorry hor, aunty, but prawn mee in Malaysia IS spicy. Lunch on the other hand, was at a seafood restaurant in a fishing village. Not bad lah, the food. I had mini lobsters!

Anyway, one of the places we visited on that day was the Desaru Fruit Farm. There's nothing much I can say about a fruit farm, so here are the pictures.

The entrance
The long awaited banana pics...

The amazing pisang seribu (or was it seribu pisang?). Looks kinda er...obscene, right down to it's pink tip. And ninja Kakasteffi is even touching the rod part! >.< What a pervert! Kakasteffi never did count whether there were one thousand tiny bananas stuck onto that large one there...It'll probably take ages.
And so happen, the next day, at the wet market near Kakasteffi's place of accomodation, she saw this:

Red Banana. (Picture is taken from The colour of the banana brings obscenity to a whole new level. Kakasteffi actually took a picture of that banana at the market with her handphone, but decided that this one looks better.
There were many other bananas there, but, *shrugs* they are just bananas.


They also had animals there.

This is especially for Jyrenze =D Can you imagine if the tiny goat who gored us was replaced by that BIG billy goat? OH man...
I had those red meat dragon fruit. LOTS of it. And I didn't think that it'll stain things badly. As a result...

Fuschia fingers. My face had fuschia stains too. Looked like a clown. Haih.
Labels: Numbnut Explores the World
LOL! Thats even more funny than the Anbu masks on my blog... btw about the goat thing, if it were that big it wont be in a petting zoo in the 1st place, lol
i've seen those bananas somewhere before..but doesnt really look tat good in that pic somehow..not after u reminded us abt the obscene part..:D bananas....first time i see this..wat color inside the bananas? yellow or red?
hmm... maybe I was too obscene for Steph to even try out the bananas.
and just out of curiosity, what's that covering your face in the photo? and why are you covering it like the btw...
hmm... maybe I was too obscene for Steph to even try out the bananas.
and just out of curiosity, what's that covering your face in the photo? and why are you covering it like the btw...
jyrenze: never know right...there are crazy ppl in the world...
ashes: try not to think so much when you eat them.
yslim: I dunno lah...whitish yellow kua...aunt said that they don't taste that good so didn't buy.
eng: er, you were too obscene? what's the connection between you and the bananas...I know you have one but...
And oh, as for the mask, I was just copying the mask that the famous Copy Ninja Kakashi from the anime Naruto is wearing. Refer to
oops.. sorry typo error
I meant to say "it" was too obscene for you.
and don't think so much
oh... and btw, I dun think the green suits you. try other colours.
I've been you have the code for the colours ah?
you can see the whole list of codes in FrontPage (will be known as (SharePoint Designer in Office 2007 Suites)
What so special about Red Banana? I got Purple and Blue Banana. Wanna Try? :P
Purple Banana
Blue Banana
Billy: -_- The special part is, that colour is the closest to a human...well, I hope you get the idea. I've never seen a person with blue or purple skin before.
Eng: Thanks a lot. I think I'll just stick to ready made templates for the time being.
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