Monday, April 10, 2006

I am a Macho Man!

It's been a long time since I've watched DVD at home. The last one I watched at home was Deuce Bigalow 2. Quite funny, in my opinion. So last night, I was out with my parents when we passed by the DVD seller. I decided to look for the shows that I wanted. If anyone has Snow Dogs, do tell me. When we approached the seller, he started recommending Crash.

Seller: Buy this movie lah, it's quite "hot". See, I only have three pieces left. Good show.
Steffi: *to mom* I don't know what that show is about, so don't think I should get that first.
Mom: Ok...So get that one for your father to watch lah *points to Brokeback Mountain*
Steffi: *grins in amusement and looks at dad*
Dad: What, what? *looks over mom's shoulder*
Steffi: Mom said, get that one for you to watch. *points to Brokeback Mountain*
Dad: HEI! CEH! I DON"T WANT TO WATCH THAT! Take Crash lah...
Steffi: Yah, yah, we all know how macho you are...*rolls eyes* Well, I'm still getting it. I want to watch. *to seller* One of that please, and Crash too...

So, now, I have about uh...three dvds and one vcd to watch. And my aunt's four more albums of shows. When will I get around to watching it...



At 12:12 PM, Blogger Jyrenze said...

Awaiting your movie review then :p

At 10:46 PM, Blogger ashes said...

everywhere brokeback..
dun be shocked if i tell u steff, tat i hav tat DVD at home.

NO STEFF...i-did-not-buy-it.

At 11:16 PM, Blogger StephanieC said...

Eheheh...that's interesting. So will you be doing the reviews?

At 12:06 PM, Blogger BillyTong said...

it is sad that Hollywood didn't come out a female version of Brokeback Mountain. Otherwise i will have my money on a DVD9. :P

At 2:01 PM, Blogger ashes said...

nah steff i wouldnt want to take that special previldge of commenting on SUCH a movie away from u..

and im sure both of our reviews is gonna be total opposite..hahah..i'll let u do the honours!

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Jyrenze said...

ash.. dont tell me your dad bought it?

At 7:20 PM, Blogger ashes said...

nah dad doesnt buy dvd's.
actually it is my aunt..well, my dad's side r those open minded, modern kinda folks.they r very close n talk abt anything under the sun.
so after all these award thingie,she decided to watch tis movie..n to my amazement borrowed tat cd to my dad wit this msg.

"its a good movie u know,very sad..alah..dun get so serious abt it la..the main thing is tat,its just abt it."

so tats how tat cd got into my hse.

At 8:11 PM, Blogger StephanieC said...

Pun: It'll be some time before i get around to watching it...

Ashes: I would like to read YOUR opinion. Really ashes, your aunt gave you guys a good advice. Watch it with a pinch of salt.

My guy friend watched it and he told me that it's a good movie. :D

Billy: Female version of Brokeback Mountain kah...Brokeleg Valley? Or...Transamerica? Anyone seen that yet?

At 11:50 PM, Blogger ashes said...

wat makes u think tat i hav watched tat movie steff?i just said i hav it at home..didnt i?


ahhaha..ok not gonna go acting all macho n all.okay..i did watch it..;)

hmm..well..i think those two guys did a good job.besides those scenes when they had to get close n all,i think both of them acted pretty like how a straight guy would do.
i'm glad tat the movie focused on the story line rather than stupid f*ckin as if no one knows what 2 guys would do when the hav sex.

so im okay with the movie..i mean, it just taught me tat there is no rules to fall in love with doesnt just happen between a guy n a gal only.for me..i just took those 2 characters as best friends since they didnt get married or anythin(thankfully..tat would hav spoilt the whole movie)

well,yeah..the ending was kinda meaningful..the shirt part.but no steff..i didnt cry.

overall i think that movie is suitable for straight guys..if u are open minded enuff.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger StephanieC said...

HAHAHAHA! Ash...your review makes you sound like so...I dunno LOL! It's like you are having an internal debate...

At 10:27 AM, Blogger ashes said...

sound so gay?
wasnt i writing a review abt a gay movie?

i mean, there was a message in the movie..n i guess tats wat we're suppose to get.

but like i said, i would hav found tat movie irritating if it was full of stupid scenes or worst still both of them getting married..then i think it doesnt make sense already.i just kenot agree wit tat.

anyway steff..i think i better stop here,before ur imagination goes wild..haha..u do the review.its your post u know.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger StephanieC said...

No, no, it doesn't sound gay. It sounds like u are having a debate about it...XP

Don't worry, I won't think too far...

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Eng said...

but you always does

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Jyrenze said...

I haven't watched that show yet! My parents will probably fast forward the "interesting scenes" if I watch it with them, hahaha.... its a parent reflex.


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