All Hail Lord YS!
Firstly, I should properly introduce you to my new beau. Ladies and gentleman, please meet Fei Long.
I named Fei Long after a Hong Kong triad boss in the manga, Finder Series, by Yamane Ayano. It's not a manga to be read by the general public, so if you know what I mean, click at your own risk. =D I thought my Fei Long (yes, can't you see that he's wearing my chain?), although delicate, is dark and dangerous like Ms Yamane Ayano's Fei Long.
So naturally, Fei, being a triad boss, he needs protection. I got this for him:
Fei needs to be pampered too, you know, being a triad boss and all.
He even has a pet pig to sit on his lap. Btw, that belongs to my sister but I'll just borrow it meanwhile.
Fei Long: WHAT'S WITH THE SISSY ACCESSORIES?! I'm a triad boss, not a kindergarten kid!
Steffi: Yes, and your master is me. Well, if you want something more manly, take this!
Steffi: A hard wooden rocking chair for a grouchy old man like you! BWAHAHAHA!!!
Fei Long: ...butt sore *pouts*
Steffi: *scratches head* Well, I suppose I could get you a cushion...
I wanted to get Fei Long a Stereo Bluetooth Headset HBH-DS970 but it took my all to stop my jaw from hitting the floor when the salesman quoted me the price. RM280! Fei dear, with that price, I could get you a henchman to be your bodyguard.
Uh, anyway, I also have another person to introduce to you. ALL HAIL LORD YS!!! My mobile phone guru! Thanks to him, Fei Long now can play my videos smoothly...
Oh, and I've finally managed to send a video MMS and make a video call to Singapore! Had to do that in Cyberjaya though. That was the only place I could get the 3G signal so far. -_- The video call only lasted for 2 minutes, naturally, since I only have RM2.00 credit left. Video calls to other countries are more expensive though, at RM5 per minute. Luckily my aunt is staying in Singapore =D
I have yet to master Maxis 3G's services fully. I tried getting into the Maxis Wap Portal but ended up surfing? the internet and got 50 cents deducted for about 5 minutes or less. I WANNA TRY OUT THE MAXIS TV!!! Er, but I guess I'll have to go to Cyberjaya for that. Or hunt for a place with 3G coverage. Pugs...your place supposedly has 3G coverage, so do not be surprised to see me camping outside your house :D
Labels: Misc
Lord YS????
since when i got tat kind of nick?
Since u help me solve my anime problem...Ahahahaa! ALL HAIL LORD YS!!!
hhmmm.. I should get you to teach me how to send a proper MMS. My experiment failed numerous times.
Sending MMS needs 3G/GPRS I think. Have you activated yours?
ya, MMS required the internet access such as 3G or GPRS. you have to ensure you able to connect to internet with your phone first
in addition, u also have to set the right ip address for the MMSS...
maxis mmsc:
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